
Thursday, July 19, 2018

YONS: 2 week update

More like 3 weeks, but who is counting?!?

Mid-July Update/Reflection: 

Vehicle Purchase: 

The main trial I have been dealing with in the month of July is buying a new car. My car got totaled in a flash flood (I am ok!) and seeing that is was 23 years old, it wasn't worth much. I considered a variety of options - buying something with cash ($3,000) or something newer and more expensive (for the sake that I planned to have the car for a long time).

I ultimately decided to go somewhere in the middle, and spent under 10k (not including taxes) I did my due diligence, shopped around a lot, was aggressive in my negotiations and stuck to my guns. I finally ended up with a car that I love, feel comfortable with (another Camry), with low miles and spending a little less than I expected (with a lot of equity in the car as it is worth almost 4k more than what I paid). I found it on Facebook marketplace, with one owner- and my mechanic gave it the seal of approval and is giving me a great deal on tires.

This is the biggest purchase I have ever made, and while I really don't like  hate the idea of adding to my debt at this time, it was something I felt more comfortable doing than buying something with more miles and a longer past. I know that a lot of the members of the spending fast facebook group I am in were proponents of only buying with cash, but in the end I had to do what was best for me.

Spending Fast: 

It's going great! I haven't been perfect but I have had many wins so far.

  1. I had a vacation (weekend getaway) planned already so I couldn't cancel, but made sure I had a budget before going. I spent under budget! 
  2. Eating out has changed drastically! I have bought a couple sodas or coffees, but not a single meal (except my trip) has been bought! Hoping to see that number at ZERO in August. 
  3. I have walked around stores and shops and walked out empty handed many times. I enjoy walking around, and it feels really good to not buy anything. I realized how many times I would walk in a store and feel the need to buy something (especially at Costco!!) - I walked out of Costco empty handed. HUGE win! 
  4. My planning ahead for meals has been wonderful. I am proud of my creativity in the cooking process, and also how much healthier overall things are. 
  5.  I canceled DirectTVNow! 

It is NOT easy. I have been tempted so many times already to buy concert tickets, festival tickets, drinks out, etc. Most of my wants have been experiences. Some losses:

  1. Having to remind people constantly of the fast. And having to explain it. It feels a little embarrassing because while I don't share my debt number, I am putting it out there that  I do have debt, and it feels like people feel sorry for me. Most people are awesome and understanding- but having to explain or remind people makes me feel like a broken record. I have to remind them that its a choice and that I have major goals to achieve. I also have to remind myself that this is for ME and no one else. 
  2. Unexpected costs- my phone bill went up this month unexpectedly, and they removed my employee discount! Also, I overdrafted last month because I put money aside in my savings account and then it didn't transfer in time :( the lesson was to wait until the end of the month to put aside money. 
  3. Groceries and meal planning: I haven't been terrible, but I do justify temptations in the grocery store a little bit because I am not eating out. For example, I have bought a bunch of the high protein, low calorie ice cream which is a bit pricey. I think every once in a while is fine, but I need to find a balance in there. This is a FAST after all. 
Things to Look Forward To: 
  1. Continuing to improve in this process. Getting more creative, finding small ways to cut costs, participating in FREE activities and deals. I plan to get a clothes line to dry my clothes, and next month I want to meal prep a ton of frozen stuff so I can have it ready to go. I  installed Ibotta and the Walmart app on my phone for more savings. I am considering getting onto my mom's cell phone plan to cut my bill by half as well. 
  2. Seeing the numbers go down! 
  3. While I realize I added to my debt with the car, I am trying not to beat myself up and see the positive. The timing of this journey could be looked at as bad, but in some ways, losing my car is even more motivation to stay on track and committed to this YONS. 
Next up: 
I will be back at the beginning of August to talk total numbers, wins and losses from July, and August plans. Stay tuned! 


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